


All students enrolling in CILEC training have the right to request our assistance in finding housing. To give you an idea, you can look at the various types of housing that we offer and then indicate your choice on the enrollment form.

More details can be found on the following pages:

Private student residences

Host families

Accomodation formalities


A home insurance is necessary in France before you rent a place. Please contact insurance companies, student social security offices, or banks.


Most landlords request a certificate proving that you have a financial guarantor from the European Union. If you cannot provide this document, please contact us to find a residence or flat.

Housing benefit


  • holding a 6-month D Type visa
  • having carried out the required OFII formalities (French Office for Immigration and Integration)
  • renting the same place for more than 3 months

can apply online for housing benefit (APL – Personalized Housing Help or AL – Housing Allowance) managed by the services of the CAF

The International Mobility Office can help you with the administrative procedures after your arrival in France.

Papers to be provided for:

  • A copy of your passport, visa and OFFI stamp
  • A copy of your Frenh Bank account details
  • A copy of your birth certificate translated in French (for non European students)

For the application:

  • A certificate of residence
  • A tax declaration

Benefits can be claimed only from the second month’s rent onwards.
Vacating your apartment before the end of a month results in losing housing benefit for this month.
Housing benefit is not automatically awarded. Each case is treated individually.